An integral part of weight loss involves proper exercise and Health Factor Weight Loss’s quick weight loss specialists certainly understand this. A successful diet program requires long-term results, meaning one must remain active and fit if they wish to remain healthy. Our staff not only provides you with fitness guidelines but also specific exercises and activity diaries, helping you lose belly fat or tone your hips whole allowing you to record your progress.
We customize our exercise programs based on your age and current activity level. People over 40 should exercise differently than people under 35. People over 70 need a different program than people under 60. We try to get you to exercise at least 15 minutes every morning. Morning exercise jump starts your metabolism and stimulates the reward center in your brain.
Our exercise routine is done first thing in the morning before you eat. We keep your workout simple so it is something you can do at your home. Workouts last about 15 minutes and don’t require any equipment. The goal of fasting exercise is to use up all the sugar stored in your muscles and your liver. If you use up your sugar reserves, you body will burn fat the rest of the day to replenish the sugar stores in your muscles and liver. This leads to greater weight loss results.
Some people either cannot exercise or simply do not like to. We have a program where you will lose unhealthy fat even if you do not want to exercise each morning.
We keep your workout short because if you’re exercising after you have used up your sugar reserves, your body will burn muscle for energy during the rest of your workout. When you are doing our morning workout, you are trying to get your heart rate up into the ideal sugar burning zone. If you want to do further research on this type of workout, you can research high intensity interval training. Below is an outline of our simple but extremely effective workout.
(Post workout, you should eat protein and fat without any carbohydrates. Do this within a half hour of your weight loss workout routine).
Counter top push ups: One set of as many as you can do
Squats with military press: One set of as many as you can do
10 minutes of short intense cardio. (intensity to fit your fitness level). Should be done in 15 second bursts with 455 seconds recovery